Roads & Various Networks
Marcxell Construction is also a company of public works and RVN. We realize all your works of RVN, maintenance of pipes, treatment plants and rehabilitation of networks. We intervene on all your public works and installation of RVN - Roads and Various Networks.
Marcxell Construction accompanies individuals, professionals and communities in the installation and the setting to the standards of various networks and RVN. Among other things, we take care of the installation of your public works systems: water supply network, gas, electricity, public lighting, telecommunications, etc. We also carry out your evacuation, development, traffic, and any other work related to the development of a public or private land.
Included in our civil engineering work, our team also carries out the installation of all the pipes, wastewater treatment plants, drinking water networks and rainwater networks for professionals and industrialists. Pipes, foundations, roads: the professional sites of our public works company. Whether it is a question of installations, connections or rehabilitation of networks and roads, our company assures you professionalism and conformity.
Marcxell Construction also offers its expertise for your various underground works such as the installation of sewage networks, the realization of trenches, foundations, or the burying of collective and particular networks for urban development.
Pipe maintenance
Your pipes and drains need to be maintained regularly to ensure a good flow of water throughout your individual, professional or industrial use, and thus ensure effective purification. Marcxell Construction will accompany you throughout your installation.
Without maintenance, your pipes are likely to become clogged. Our company intervenes then for the maintenance and the unblocking of all your drains, to avoid the clogs of limestone or various waste and thus to ensure an effective and durable flow. With the help of professional products and professional maintenance tools such as nozzles or ferrets, our team ensures that your pipes are unclogged for a smooth and foolproof operation.
transportation of chemicals
In addition to our earthmoving and sanitation services, our company offers a chemical waste disposal service to all industrialists. Dedicated to industrialists, our company also offers the transport of your chemical products to be treated: potassium salt and iron sulfate.
Our carriers specializing in chemical plant services handle both these products on a daily basis and are able to dispose of chemicals that are delicate to transport and require special and responsible treatment. We sort and treat chemicals properly worked in favor of the environment and the people and allows the regulation of the dangers related to their proximity.

United States
18117 Biscayne Blvd #1657
Miami, FL 33160
+1 650 451-9964
13 Bis Avenue
de la Motte Picquet, 75007
+33 77 203-6376
Paris, France
13 Bis Avenue de la Motte Picquet, 75007+33 77 203-6376
Miami, USA
18117 Biscayne Blvd #1657, Miami, FL 33160+1 650 451-9964